Cloud Infrastructure Architecture

Does the cloud appear menacing? A solid architectural foundation can provide a secure platform for growth. We provide you with a cloud infrastucture architecture that lets you focus on adding business value. Beyond simply defining network, compute and storage, our cloud architectures build in guardrails as well as simple and elegant high level services. See what your cloud infrastructure can be.

Identity & Access Management
Identity crisis? IAM strategy is the keystone of cloud manageability and security. It must be easy to manage, difficult to abuse, and frictionless for end users. When choosing your identity providers, configuring identity services and providers, or applying attribute based access controls, we can make it easier for you.
Migration Services
Got a lot to move? We can help you with cloud migrations large or small - from strategy to completion. Our experience managing large migration projects and our deep understanding of AWS can help speed your move to the cloud.
Product Design & Development
Facing too many choices? Our product managers can facilitate your design decisions from concept to operations. We offer unique experience with E-commerce sites, web-mobile applications and more. We offer front-end design & development, and serverless backend solutions.
Hemoraging Money?
Let us help you to understanding what you are paying for and why. We will help your teams employ spend optimization strategies.

Right size – Reduce oversized servers and services.

Increase elasticity – Scale up and down based on need and demand.

Leverage cost savings plans – Select the right pricing model for your situation.

Optimize storage - Define data types and lifecycles, allowing you to automatically use the lowest cost storage tiers where applicable.

Measure, monitor, and improve - Learn how to define cost allocation tagging, metrics, and targets for cost control and review. Teach teams to architect for cost, delegate spending responsibility, and link their spending with value creation.

Feeling Vulnerable?
Let the cloud have your backups. With eleven nines of durability, you can expect a loss of at most one object of 10 million stored in AWS, every 10,000 years.

Whether cloud-to-cloud or datacenter-to-cloud, our AWS solution will provide you with isolated and secure backups. Furthermore, in-cloud data restores are also critically helpful when data centers are corrupted or unavailable; you can replicate your on-premises environment in the cloud using AWS and continue running applications with your backup data.
Need a Guide?
We offer you quick, low cost 'get to know you' engagements. This will provide an executive roadmap, cost breakout, clear benefits, and a process forward. Simply reach out to us.
About Us

We are a team of cloud specialists and software developers focused primarily on the Amazon Web Services cloud. We are committed to building your capability to deliver business value quickly and securely. We design solutions that take full advantage of AWS, so that your investment is focused directly on the incremental business value. By integrating AWS services, your business gains a competitive advantage.

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